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A Dynamic Schema to increase performance in Many-core Architectures through Percolation operations.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco, Rishi Khan, Ioannis Venetis, Kelly Livingston and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2013),
December 18 - 21, Bangalore, India,
IEEE Computer Society, 2013.
Optimizing the LU Factorization for Energy Efficiency on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Jaime Arteaga, Robert Pavel and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC 2013),
September 25 - 27, Santa Clara, CA, USA,
Springer, 2013.
Strategies for improving Performance and Energy Efficiency on a Many-core.
Elkin Garcia and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of 2013 ACM International Conference on Computer Frontiers (CF 2013),
Article No. 9. pp. 1 - 4,
May 14 - 16, Ischia, Italy,
ACM, 2013.
Demystifying Performance Predictions of Distributed FFT3D Implementations.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Orlando Ayala, Lian-Ping Wang and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2012),
LNCS Vol. 7513, pp. 196-207,
September 6 - 8, Gwangju, Korea,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
A discussion in favor of Dynamic Scheduling for regular applications in Many-core Architectures.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco, Robert Pavel and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of 2012 Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP 2012);
26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012),
pp. 1591-1600,
May 21 - 25, Shanghai, China,
ACM, 2012.
Dynamic Percolation: A case of study on the shortcomings of traditional optimization in Many-core Architectures.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco, Rishi Khan, Ioannis Venetis, Kelly Livingston and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of 2012 ACM International Conference on Computer Frontiers (CF 2012),
pp. 245-248,
May 15 - 17, Cagliari, Italy,
ACM, 2012.
A Reconfigurable Computing System Based on a Cache-Coherent Fabric.
Neal Oliver, Rahul R. Sharma, Stephen Chang, Bhushan Chitlur, Elkin Garcia, Joseph Grecco,
Aaron Grier, Nelson Ijih, Yaping Liu, Pratik Marolia, Henry Mitchel, Suchit Subhaschandra,
Arthur Sheiman, Tim Whisonant and Prabhat Gupta.
In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2011),
pp. 80-85,
November 30 - December 2, Cancun, Mexico,
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
TIDeFlow: The Time Iterated Dependency Flow Execution Model.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of Workshop on Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale Computing (DFM 2011);
20th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2011),
pp. 1-9,
October 10 - 14, Galveston Island, TX, USA,
IEEE, 2011.
Polytasks: A Compressed Task Representation for HPC Runtimes.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Rishi Khan and Guang Gao.
In Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC 2011),
LNCS Vol. 7146, pp. 268-282,
September 8 - 10, Fort Collins, CO, USA,
Springer, 2011.
Hardware and Software Tradeoffs for Task Synchronization Using Phasers on Manycore Architectures.
Yonghong Yan, Sanjay Chatterjee, Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia,
Zoran Budimlic, Robert Pavel, Guang R. Gao and Vivek Sarkar.
In proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Parallel Computing (EuroPar 2011), Part II,
LNCS Vol. 6853, pp. 112-123,
August 29 - September 2, Bordeaux, France,
Springer Verlag, 2011.
Energy efficient tiling on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco and Guang R. Gao.
In Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG-2011);
6th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC),
pp. 53-66,
January 23, Heraklion, Greece,
2011. Best Paper Award.
Locality Optimization of Stencil Applications using Data Dependency Graphs.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia and Guang R. Gao.
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for
Parallel Computing (LCPC 2010),
LNCS Vol. 6548, pp. 77-91,
October 7-9, Houston, Texas, USA,
Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Optimized Dense Matrix Multiplication on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Ioannis E. Venetis, Rishi Khan and Guang R. Gao.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar 2010), Part II,
LNCS Vol. 6272, pp. 316-327,
August 30 - September 3, Ischia, Italy,
Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Transmitter Beamformer Design and Implementation on FPGA.
Daniel Camejo, Elkin Garcia and Roberto Bustamante.
In Proceedings of the IV International Conference of the IEEE Andean Region (Andescon 2008),
October 15-17, Cuzco, Peru,
IEEE, 2008.
Published in Spanish.
Computer Mouse Control using EOG signals and Boosting Algorithms.
Diana Mahecha, Fernando Lozano and Elkin Garcia.
In Proceedings of the XIII Simposio de Tratamiento de Senales Imagenes y Vision Artificial (STSIVA 2008),
Tomo II pp 57-60,
September 10-13, Bucaramanga, Colombia,
2008. Published in Spanish.
Boosting Support Vector Machines.
Elkin Garcia and Fernando Lozano.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2007),
pp 153-167,
July 18-20, Leipzig, Germany,
IBaI publishing, 2007.
Adaboost for phonemes classification.
Elkin Garcia.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Colombian Workshop on Circuits and Systems (CWCAS 2006),
October 2-3, Cartagena, Colombia,
Published in Spanish.
Adaptive Support Vector Machines for time series prediction
Elkin Garcia, Pedro Rangel and Fernando Lozano.
In Proceedings of the XI Simposio de Tratamiento de Senales, Imagenes y Vision Artificial (STSIVA 2006),
September 13-15, Bogota, Colombia,
Published in Spanish.
Boosting of Support Vector Machines with application to editing.
Pedro Rangel, Fernando Lozano and Elkin Garcia.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2005),
pp 374-379,
December 15-17, Los Angeles, CA, USA,
IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
Music Classifier by Genre with Neural Networks.
Elkin Garcia, German Mancera and Jorge Pacheco.
In Proceedings of the Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Computacional 2005 (CIIC 2005),
pp 284-291,
August 10-12, Monteria, Colombia,
Published in Spanish.
Time Series prediction with Support Vector Machines.
Elkin Garcia and Pedro Rangel.
XI Escuela Latinoamericana de Verano en Investigacion de Operaciones (ELAVIO),
July 25-29, Villa de Leyva, Colombia,
The Design and Implementation of TIDeFlow: A Data flow-Inspired Execution Model for Parallel
Loops and Task Pipelining.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Jaime Arteaga and Guang R. Gao.
International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP),
Under review
Performance Modeling of Fine Grain Task Execution Models with Resource Constraints on Many-core Architectures.
Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Daniel Orozco and Guang R. Gao.
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),
Under review
Toward high-throughput algorithms on many-core architectures.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Rishi Khan, Kelly Livingston and Guang R. Gao.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),
Volume 8, Issue 4, Article No. 49, pp 1-21, January 2012.
Boosting Support Vector Machines.
Elkin Garcia and Fernando Lozano.
Revista de Ingenieria, Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de los Andes,
No 24, pp 62-70, November, 2006.
Published in Spanish.
Locality-Driven Scheduling of Tasks for Data-Dependent Multithreading.
Jaime Arteaga, Elkin Garcia, Stephane Zuckerman and Guang R. Gao
CAPSL Technical Memo 125, January 2014.
Available on request
Optimizing the LU Factorization for Energy Efficiency on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Jaime Arteaga, Robert Pavel and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 124, July 2013.
SMART: a Stream-based Multi-core Architecture & Runtime Technology.
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Guang R. Gao, Elkin Garcia, Ganghee Jang, Souad Koliai and Haitao Wei
CAPSL Technical Memo 122, February 2013.
Available on request
Toward Exascale Systems: from Applications to Architectures.
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Guang R. Gao, Elkin Garcia, Ganghee Jang and Souad Koliai.
CAPSL Technical Memo 121, October 2012.
Available on request
Performance Modeling of Fine Grain Task Execution Models with Resource Constraints on Many-core Architectures.
Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Daniel Orozco and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 118, June 2012.
Available on request
Demystifying Performance Predictions of Distributed FFT3D Implementations.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Orlando Ayala, Lian-Ping Wang and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 117, June 2012.
Toward a Highly Parallel Framework for Discrete-Event Simulation.
Robert Pavel, Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 113, April 2012.
Available on request
Toward Efficient Fine-grained Dynamic Scheduling on Many-Core Architectures.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco, Robert Pavel and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 111, February 2012.
TIDeFlow: The Time Iterated Dependency Flow Execution Model.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Rishi Khan and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 107, August 2011.
Polytasks: A Compressed Task Representation for HPC Runtimes.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Robert Pavel, Rishi Khan and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 105, June 2011.
High Throughput Queue Algorithms.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Rishi Khan, Kelly Livingston and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 103, January 2011.
Energy efficient tiling on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Daniel Orozco and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 102, October 2010.
Locality Optimization of Stencil Applications using Data Dependency Graphs.
Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 101, October 2010.
Dynamic Percolation - Mapping Dense Matrix Multiplication on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Rishi Khan, Kelly Livingston, Ioannis E. Venetis and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 98, June 2010.
Available on request
Optimized Dense Matrix Multiplication on a Many-Core Architecture.
Elkin Garcia, Ioannis E. Venetis, Rishi Khan and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 95, February 2010.
Synchronization for Dynamic Task Parallelism on Manycore Architectures.
Yonghong Yan, Sanjay Chatterjee, Daniel Orozco, Elkin Garcia, Jun Shirako, Zoran Budimlic, Vivek Sarkar and Guang R. Gao.
CAPSL Technical Memo 94, February 2010.